
This editorial blog attempts to cover issues that are not covered in the other great awakening blogs but nontheless are just as important. Also, these posts tend to be my view or perspective on things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wake Up Americans

It's time to get passed the labels of liberal and conservative. Start being American for a change. It's all a scam. The country is being dismantled right under our noses. Have you been reading international treaties and global agreements? You're not reading the facts. While you've been sleeping, the globalists have been ruining this country. Think about the reasons why China, for example, doesn't change their policy of pegging their currency against our dollar. They want to increase their supply of dollars in their coffers and then turn around and buy our assets (not consumer goods for their people).
Ask yourself the question: Do you like the devaluing of the dollar? Sure there's speculation going on but that is not the root of the problem. Why do you think gas prices are so high? The Federal Reserve is actively devaluing the dollar. Why do you think that they quite publishing the M3 money supply numbers to the public?


Why do people try to rationalize what's happening in America today? We all know what's happening in our guts. Use your common sense and let's wake up and change America for us and our posterity.

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