
This editorial blog attempts to cover issues that are not covered in the other great awakening blogs but nontheless are just as important. Also, these posts tend to be my view or perspective on things.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is America's Future a Brave New World or 1984?

It seems to me that George Orwell's view is definitely superior to Huxley's "Brave New World" in many ways but it doesn't paint the whole picture of what's happening in America today. So I guess the central question is the following: Does George Bush's America resemble 1984 or Brave New World? Timothy Sexton does a pretty good review of this question in this article.


Notice that the country of Oceania in 1984 is involved in a perpetual
war. Do you realize that the so-called war on terror is a perpetual
war? There is no end to this war. How can there be an end to this war?
If we aggressive attack other nations like Iraq and Iran, then we will
create more terrorists. This is basically the concept of "blowback". Therefore, how can you possible win a war on a tactic like terror?
Also, notice that the enemy isn't important just like in 1984. It's the ideology or tactic used that defines the enemy. There is no country or even an army for the enemy. The enemy could be you or me. What is important in the so-called war on terror is the continued belief in the existence of a dangerous opponent who threatens our security and way of life just like in Oceania. Never mind the fact that we have a huge, powerful Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines. The war on terror is a perpetual war. The war on terror is open-ended enough to never be won or lost.

1984 is a good book and movie. Of course, sometimes it seems that reality is stranger than fiction. Is it realistic to say that Big Brother is not only tolerated by the residents of Oceania (and now America) but also he is loved and embraced? Do you realize that you have fallen for this trap too? You don't question President Bush's motives and actually embrace him and the neocons with unyielding devotion regardless of facts or evidence to the contrary?
You falsely believe that Big Brother provides at least the illusion of security from the illusion of threat because you've been brainwashed by big media and lies/war propaganda from Bush and the administration.

Also consider this: If you think that this war on terror is real, why do we have
open borders? You see, it's difficult to say the war on terror is a fraud because we've been conditioned to think otherwise. However, the fact is that the war on terror is a fraud! Once you begin to understand the fraud that's being sold to the American people, everything begins to make sense and you're mind is set free.

Unfortunately, 1984 has shortcomings as Timothy Sexton points out in
the article above. Bush's America is probably better described by
"Brave New World" because as Sexton points out, "those who are willing
to accept the violations of the rights of others because it doesn't
affect them in any way removes the overly authoritarian taint of Bush's
America." Sexton also writes regarding 1984 and Brave New World

"It merely shifts the comparison to those residents in Aldous Huxley's
Brave New World who are busy ignoring the realities of the system
because they are eagerly conforming to the politics of distraction and
the pursuit of leisure."

The world envisioned by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World is one where
science has learned how to achieve the control of the development of
attitudes and behaviors and to shape human emotions in certain ways.
This is being achieved right now in many ways today by scientists,
engineers, journalists, and many others on the payroll of the federal
government and elites. It's important to the elites to have this
control in order to create the New World Order (NWO). In the near
future, these concepts will not be merely discussed as conspiracy
theorist or wild imaginations but will in fact be implemented to
control everyone.

These topics that we're discussion are complicated and are really
only discussed in colleges or some abstract setting. Unfortunately for us,
reality is definitely stranger than fiction.

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